The Consortium to Stem IFFs from Africa
The Consortium to Stem IFFs from Africa is a broad coalition of African institutions working to address the scourge of illicit financial flows from Africa. The consortium oversees and engages in the implementation of the recommendations of the HLP. Established in 2016, following the adoption of the HLP report by African leaders, the Consortium is co-chaired by H.E. Thabo Mbeki, former President of the Republic of South Africa & Chair of the High-Level Panel, and H.E. Thomas Kwesi Quartey, former Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission. It consists of up to 17 institutions and is guided by the by-laws within its Terms of Reference.
The Consortium has a technical arm, the IFF Working Group (IWG), which operates under the guidance of the Consortium as outlined within its Terms of Reference. To advance its work of leading the implementation of the HLP recommendations, the Consortium’s secretariat (AUC & CoDA) was established within CoDA, which is situated at the headquarters of the African Union Commission.